A beautiful day and cooler air temperature, perfect day for a ride.
I loaded up 3 bikes on the rack behind the car and our two young guests and I drove down to Iznajar to meet up with my two local cycling mates.
The initial hills of this ride always take all my puff but our young guests were completely untroubled by the gradient…..grrrr. The cooler weather is bringing out the Spanish cyclists now so we encountered a couple of quite large groups on our route to the dam.
We all stopped at the dam to marvel at its feat of engineering and the large fish swimming at its base then pushed on up the long drag to a coffee stop in Rute.
For me the best part of the ride is the fast downhill section from Rute towards Iznajar.I managed to reach 75kmsph, the quickest yet! It could have been more but I was impeded by a car! I’m getting closer to my target of one day reaching 80kmsph.
Finished off the ride with cold beers at a bar by the lakeside….perfect.